Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions are the fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are equal to the same value. Some examples of equivalent fractions are ½, 2/4, 3/6, and 4/8 are equivalent fractions because they are equal to ½. 

A fraction is a part of a whole. Equivalent fractions represent the same portion of the whole.

But finding and understanding equivalent fractions is a tricky concept for children. Let’s understand how to go about it:

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Identifying equivalent fractions:

Let us identify if  2/6 and 4/12 are equivalent or not:

  1. Visualize:

When we overlap 2/6 and 4/12, we see that they cover the same position of the whole. Thus they are equivalent. 

  1. Using number line:

If the fractions are equivalent, they indicate the same point on the number line when overlapped. 

  1. Simplifying the fractions: Another easiest way to identify the equivalent fractions is to simplify the given fractions to their lowest form. If the answers are the same, then they are equivalent.

Eg: 2/6 = ⅓ , 4/12 = ⅓ 

  1. Cross multiplication method: 

We cross multiply the numerator of fraction 1 with a denominator of fraction 2 and the denominator of fraction 1 with the numerator of fraction 2. If the products are equal then the fractions are equivalent.

2×12= 24

4×6 = 24

Generating equivalent fractions:

  • We can make equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both top and bottom by the same amount.

Real-life applications:

  • To identify if you got your fair share or not:

Eg: You and your friend have decided to exchange your pizzas equally. His pizza had 5 slices and yours had 3

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Different ways to teach: 

Teaching through stories: 

Trip To Pizza Planet

Teaching through activities: 

  • Geogebra: GeoGebra for Teaching and Learning Math · Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more. It has an amazing collection of math activities/simulations, especially fractions that help students visualize fractions in a unique way.

Teaching through games:

  • Memory game: 


  • 16 cards
  • Write 3 equivalent fractions of ½ 
  • Write 3 equivalent fractions of ⅓ 
  • Write 3 equivalent fractions of ¼  
  • Write 3 equivalent fractions of ⅕  
  • Place the cards on the table. 
  • Each player picks a card and then picks another card. 
  • If the pair is an equivalent fraction of the first card, they can remove that card from the table.
  • If not, then keep the card in the same place.