Fraction is one of the most critical topics to teach children, as they usually make lots of mistakes understanding it. Fraction comes from the Latin word “fractio”, which means “to break”.
Fractions represent smaller, equal parts of a whole. This whole can be a region, a collection of objects, or a single object. The use of fractions facilitates the division and judging of numbers, as well as the calculation of numbers more quickly.
Parts of a Fraction :
All fractions consist of two parts. A number on the top is called a numerator, and a number on the bottom is called a denominator. Both numerators and denominators are separated by a horizontal bar termed the fractional bar.
- The number of sections selected or represented is written on the top of the fraction bar as a numerator.
- The total number of parts a whole or collection has been divided into is written at the bottom of the fraction bar as a denominator.
Fraction as a part of whole :
Whenever we divide a whole into equal parts, a fraction is formed.
For example : if a cake is cut into two equal parts, then the fractional representation of the same will be 1/2. Here, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator, indicating 1 part is selected out of a total of 2 parts of the cake.

Fraction as a part of collection :
Whenever we divide a collection of objects into equal parts, a fraction is formed.
For example :

Pictures below illustrates the basic concepts of fractions :

Most common errors children make :
- Not focusing on fractions as equal parts of a whole.
- Unable to differentiate between numerator and denominator.
- Confusion between different fractions.
Teaching fractions with kid friendly, clear and easy to understand posters from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs :
Ignite kids’ curiosity with engaging stories for role play and skits, making the learning of this concept an exciting and effective experience. Teaching fractions through stories from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs :
Learning fractions can be made enjoyable by incorporating interactive games and activities.
Fractions With Blocks :
Distribute blocks to kids and instruct them to make their own fraction model using blocks.

Help your kids to practise fractions by interesting and fun worksheets and solutions from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs.