Addition With Regrouping

Teaching addition is a critical component of early math education. Addition with regrouping, also known as carrying, is a method used to add two or more numbers when the sum of any column is greater than 9. 

For example : Add 8 + 6 or 9 + 7, where regrouping is required. Regrouping involves carrying over the extra value to the next column.

Addition with regrouping is related to real-life situations to demonstrate its relevance, such as adding money amounts or calculating the total cost by buying items at a store. This helps kids understand that addition is used in everyday situations.

Before taking on the topic of addition with regrouping, kids should be well versed in the knowledge of place value, focusing on the ones, tens, and hundreds. Kids should also have good hold over addition without regrouping.

When adding two-digit or three-digit numbers, each place value column should be added separately, starting from the rightmost column (ones) and moving to the left (tens, hundreds, etc.).

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Step-by-step process for adding with regrouping :

Addition with regrouping is done when addition is performed by the column method (addends are split according to place value and arranged in columns, and digits in each column are added separately).

Regrouping is used when the sum or total of any column comes to be in 2 digits. ( more than 9 ). 

When the sum of the digits of any column comes in 2 digits, then tens digit is carried over to the next column, like if the sum is 14, then 4 is written under that column and 1 is carried forward to the next column on the left.

For example :

Kids can be given more practise through several examples of addition problems with regrouping with simple two-digit numbers, gradually increasing the complexity.

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Uncle Math 6 to 8 Years App Banner


Teaching addition with regrouping with kid-friendly, clear, and easy-to-understand posters : 


Ignite kids’ curiosity with engaging stories for role play and skits, making the learning of this concept an exciting and effective experience. Teaching addition with regrouping through stories from Uncle Math School by Fun2do Labs :

Text of Stories


Teaching addition with regrouping by activities : 

Learning the addition can be made enjoyable by incorporating interactive games and activities.

Twist Addition :

This is a fun way to practise addition with regrouping. In this activity, equation makers using rings can be made (as shown in the picture below) and given to kids. This activity can be performed in the following steps : 

  • Kids can be said to twist the rings and set the equation.
  • One by one, each kid is asked the sum of the set equation.


Help your kids practise addition without regrouping with interesting and engaging fun worksheets and solutions from Uncle Math by Fun2do Labs.

Worksheet 148 : Double Digit Addition
Solution 148 : Double Digit Addition
Worksheet 149 : Add And Write The Sum
Solution 149 : Add And Write The Sum
Worksheet 150 : Add The Numbers
Solution 150 : Add The Numbers
Worksheet 151 : Add Multiples Of Ten
Solution 151 : Add Multiples Of Ten
Worksheet 152 : Add Multiples Of Ten
Solution 152 : Add Multiples Of Ten
Worksheet 158 : Add Three Digit Numbers
Solution 158 : Add Three Digit Numbers
Worksheet 159 : Add 3 - Digit Numbers (With Regrouping)
Solution 159 : Add 3 - Digit Numbers (With Regrouping)
Worksheet 162 : Add 4 - Digit Numbers (With Regrouping)
Solution 162 : Add 4 - Digit Numbers (With Regrouping)
Worksheet 163 : Addition With Regrouping 5 - Digits
Solution 163 : Addition With Regrouping 5 - Digits
Worksheet 167 : Add Three 2 - Digit Numbers
Solution 167 : Add Three 2 - Digit Numbers
Worksheet 173 : Practice Addition
Solution 173 : Practice Addition
Worksheet 174 : Arrange And Add
Solution 174 : Arrange And Add
Worksheet 501 : Word Problems Larger Numbers
Solution 501 : Word Problems Larger Numbers

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