In mathematics, we teach various important topics in primary classes including numbers, percentages, fractions, money, time, factors and multiples, and so on. One of the important topics is decimals.
In this teaching guide, decimals are further simplified for better understanding by children. Here, we also provide interesting teaching resources like animated stories, posters, worksheets, and even interesting activities for a better grasp of the topic.
Place Value Of Decimal Fraction - Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths
- The place value system helps to define the position of the number, which helps to establish the value of the number.
- We express decimal numbers in 2 parts – the whole number and the fractional part separated by a dot or decimal. For instance, in 1.25: 1 is the whole number, 25 is the fractional part, and “.” is the decimal.

- The place value system for the whole number ( left side of the decimal) is similar to the place value system of natural numbers such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.
- The place values represented by the numbers after the decimal point, starting with the tenth, are the hundredths, thousandths, and so on.
- The place value system for the fractional part is as following :

- From right to left, in increasing order, the positive powers of ten are multiplied by the digits to the left of the decimal point.
- From left to right, in increasing order, the negative powers of ten are multiplied by the digits to the right of the decimal point.

Types Of Decimals
There are two types of decimals based on the digits after the decimal point.
Like Decimals : Like decimals have the same number of digits after the decimal point. For example, 13.25, 5.75, 0.67, etc all are like decimals as these all have 2 digits after the decimal point.
Unlike Decimals : Unlike decimals have different numbers of digits after the decimal point. For example, 10.25, 5.754, 0.6, etc all are unlike decimals as these all have different numbers of digits after the decimal point.
Teaching place value of decimals with kid-friendly, clear, and easy-to-understand posters from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs :
Learning place value of decimals can be made enjoyable by incorporating interactive games and activities.
Fastest One First :
This activity is very interesting for children, they enjoy the feeling of competition among them. For this activity, educators can design different cards with simple questions regarding the place value of the decimals.
The educator can just raise the card or display it on the screen, the child who answers first will get a score. A child who gets the highest score wins the competition.

Help your kids practise place value of decimals with interesting and engaging fun worksheets and solutions from Uncle Math by Fun2Do Labs.