We use fractions in real life! Imagine you’re baking a cake with a recipe, measuring ingredients, or sharing pizza with your friends. Fractions are super useful in these situations! They help us know how much of something we need or how to divide things fairly among everyone.
A fraction represents a part of a whole, and the concept can be reinforced in a practical context by citing everyday examples, like sharing a pizza or dividing a cake. All types of fractions consist of two parts: the numerator (top number), representing the parts we have, and the denominator (bottom number), representing the total number of equal parts.
1. Adding Fractions :
Adding fractions means here to determine the sum of two or more fractions with the same or different denominators. There are two different conditions for adding fractions :
- Adding fractions with like denominators : If the denominators are the same for given fractions, we can directly add the numerators of fractions. And these fractions with the same denominators are called “Like Fractions.

- Adding fractions with unlike denominators : If the denominators are different, the fractions are called, Unlike fractions. In this case, we can not add the numerators directly. First, we need to make the fractions like fractions (Same denominators). Conversion of Unlike fractions to Like Fractions can be done using one of the two methods shown below:
- LCM Method :
Step 1 : Find out the LCM of both denominators.
Step 2 : Using the LCM, we could make the Unlike fractions to Like fractions, and then the numerators are simplified.
- Cross Multiplication Method
Step 1 : In this method, we cross multiply the numerator of the first fraction to the denominator of the second fraction and numerator of the second fraction to the denominator of the first fraction.
Step 2 : Then multiply both denominators.
In either way, the answer will be the same.

- Adding mixed fractions :
Step 1 : Convert mixed fraction into an improper fraction.
Step 2 : Add them by following the above methods.

- Subtracting Fractions :
The subtraction of fractions is similar to the addition of fractions, a difference in fractions is determined by the following methods :
- Subtracting fractions with like denominators : In the case of Like fractions (fractions with the same denominators), we can directly subtract the numerators of fractions.
- Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators : Unlike fractions, we use two different methods, either by taking the LCM of the denominators and making it into a Like fraction and then subtracting it or by cross multiplying.
- LCM Method :
Step 1 : Find out the LCM of both denominators.
Step 2 : Using the LCM, we could make the Unlike fractions to Like fractions, and then the numerators are simplified.
- Subtracting mixed fractions :
Step 1 : Convert the mixed fraction into an improper fraction.
Step 2 : Subtract them by following the above methods.

- Multiplying Fractions :
The multiplication of fractions is quite simple. We have to multiply the numerators of given fractions and then multiply the denominators of the given fractions. If required we could convert the fraction into its simplest form or the reduced form.

- Dividing Fractions
The division of fractions includes the following steps :
Step 1 : Keep the first fraction as such.
Step 2 : Change the division symbol into a multiplication symbol.
Step 3 : Flip the second fraction to find its reciprocal or multiplicative inverse and simplify.

Regular practise and reinforcement will help kids develop a strong foundation in operations on fractions and lay the groundwork for more advanced concepts in the future.
Teaching operations on fractions with kid-friendly, clear, and easy-to-understand posters from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs :
Learning operations on fractions can be made enjoyable by incorporating interactive games and activities.
Card Fraction Operations Activity :
This is a fun-filled activity for kids using play cards. This can prove useful for teaching different operations of fractions. This activity can be performed in the following steps :
- Distribute 4 cards to each kid and tell them to arrange them as in the picture below.
- The card at the top will act as the numerator, and the card at the bottom will act as the denominator.
- Instruct kids to execute any of the operations on the fractions formed by the cards on the sheets and report the answer in a similar way by picking up the required cards.

Help your kids practise operations on fractions with interesting and engaging fun worksheets and solutions from Uncle Math by Fun2Do Labs.