Properties Of Subtraction

Students always find it hard to understand the purpose of studying the properties of different operations. The purpose of properties is to help us calculate the result quickly. Basically, properties act like shortcuts to perform the operations.

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There are 3 properties of subtraction:
1. Identity property of subtraction
2. Order property of subtraction
3. Subtracting a number by itself property

Let’s understand them one by one.

Identity property of subtraction:
Whenever we subtract zero from a number, the result is the number itself. This is called the Identity Property of subtraction. This means that subtracting 0 from a number does not change the value of the number and keeps the identity of the number the same. Eg:5-0=5

Commutative property of subtraction:
When subtracting, the numbers cannot be swapped. Exchanging the order of numbers does change the result when we subtract the numbers. This is the commutative property or the order property of subtraction.
Eg: 6-3 is not equal to 3-6

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Subtracting a number by itself property:
Whenever we subtract a number by itself, the result is always zero. Eg: 5-5=0

Teaching properties through stories:
1. Can Zero Be A Hero?
2. The Tank Mystery

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