Negative Numbers

What are negative numbers?

  • Negative numbers indicate numbers that are less than 0.
  •  All the negative numbers have a minus sign as their prefix and are placed on the left side after zero on the number line.

Comparison of negative numbers using number line:

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The fact that numbers farther to the right on the number line are greater, is true for both positive and negative numbers.

For example, −3 is greater than −5 because -3  is farther to the right than −5  on the number line:

Ascending and descending order of negative numbers:

In negative numbers, the lowest number with the negative sign has the highest value. So, if you have to arrange (-44, -52, -4) into ascending and descending order, then it is arranged in the following order: (-52 < -44 < -4) and \(-4 > -44 >-52) respectively.

Addition and subtraction of negative numbers:

  • The sum of two negative numbers is a negative number. For example, -5 + (-1) = -6
  • The sum of a positive number and a negative number is the difference between two numbers. The sign of the bigger absolute value is placed before the result. For example, -9 + 3 = -6
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