Math Story : Division By One And Division By Itself Property
How Will Cirha Protect The Puppies?
A heavy storm hit Samper Town last night. It caused severe damage, and everybody is sad.
“This is heartbreaking”, says Cirha looking at the people and their pain. Suddenly she hears a whining sound. As she turns around to find out, she sees some little puppies crying. They look miserable. Cirha’s heart sinks seeing them.

“At least I have a place to stay and protect myself. These little puppies do not even have anything. I should do something to help them”, she thinks. After a while, she decides to protect and feed them. But how will she do this?
She decides to take them home. Cirha is so generous indeed. “Haha! First, protect yourself, then think about protecting the puppies. Haha!” says a strange voice. Who do you think it is?
It’s Asquarho. Taking the advantage of the current situation, he has come to trouble people and make them even sadder. Immediately, he runs to attack Cirha. Will she fight him back?
“You thought troubling me was this easy? Here I come”, she says and runs to attack him back. Bang, boom, crash! She fights him bravely.

Asquarho runs to save himself. Cirha quickly checks on the puppies and walks toward her home. She is not only generous but also brave and strong. Do you agree?
Soon Cirha reaches her home. “They must be starving. Let me feed them all”, she says. Quickly she goes to her kitchen and gets some buns.
“I have 9 buns, and there are 9 puppies altogether. How many buns will each get when I divide them equally?” she thinks. Can you help her?

“I can divide 9 from 9 only once. That means each puppy will get one bun to eat. Nice!”, she says. To crosscheck, she keeps one bun near every puppy. “Perfect! Dividing 9 buns among the 9 puppies each gets one bun”, she says. The puppies are happily eating.

After eating, some of the puppies fall asleep, and some are up. “Playing might help them feel better”, she thinks. She quickly goes and gets some balls. “There are 5 puppies awake now, and I have 5 balls. How many balls will each get when I divide them equally?” she questions.
We can divide 5 by 5, only once, “When I divide 5 balls among the 5 puppies, each gets one ball. Amazing!” she says.

“9 divided by 9 is equal to 1. 5 divided by 5 is also equal to 1. Does that mean, that whenever we divide the number by itself, the answer is 1? Oh yes! It is an amazing trick”, she says. Cirha is delighted to have discovered something new today.
All the puppies are tired now. They also fall asleep. Cirha notices that some of them are shivering. “Oh no! They must be feeling cold. Let me cover them with the blankets”, she says. She runs upstairs to find some blankets.
As she enters her room, she is shocked. “Oh no! So much water. Everything is drenched! What will I do now?” she worries. How will she take care of herself and the puppies now?

Cirha left the window open last night! All the water from the storm had come inside. But she decides to not give up. “Cirha! Where are you?” she hears a voice suddenly. Has someone come to visit her?
It is Triho. He has come to see if Cirha is safe and doing fine after the dreadful storm. Not able to see her down, he decides to check upstairs. He finds Cirha sad and worried. She explains everything to him. ”Do not worry, I will get the blankets for the puppies. Together, we will also clean up this area. Relax!” he says.
Triho is back with the blankets. “There are 3 blankets. If I give 1 to each of the puppies, will all of them get the blanket?” he questions. To find the answer, Cirha suggests he use division. “Hurray! Each gets a blanket”, he says.

The puppies feel better and are sleeping peacefully. Triho and Cirha decide to clean the upstairs now.
“Phew! This looks great now”, says Triho. Cirha is elated to see her neat and tidy room. She thanks Triho and decides to treat him with something. “Ice cream time!” she says excitedly and rushes to get some ice cream.
“I have 2 chocolate ice creams. If I give 1 to each of us, will both of us get equal ice creams?” she questions. Can you guess if each got equal ice creams?

Of course Yes! When 2 is divided by 1, the answer is 2. So both of them get ice cream. But wait! It looks like Triho has realized something.“When I divided 3 by 1, the answer was 3. Now when you divided 2 by 1, the answer is 2. That means when we divide a number by 1, the result is number itself. Wow!” he says.
Two discoveries on division, safe puppies and happy Cirha and Triho. What a wonderful day it has been! No act of kindness, no matter how small or big, is ever wasted! Do you agree?
We Learnt That…
- When we divide a number by itself, the answer is always 1.
- When we divide a number by 1, the answer is the number itself.
- No act of kindness, no matter how small or big, is ever wasted.
Let’s Discuss
- Why was everybody sad?
- “At least I have a place to stay and protect myself. These little puppies do not even have anything.” why did I say so?
- What happens when we divide a number by itself?
- What happens when we divide a number by 1?
- “No act of kindness, no matter how small or big, is ever wasted.” Do you agree?
Please refer this guide by Fun2Do Labs for teaching division properties to kids :