Embrace the New Way of Learning!

Have you ever wondered why do kids run away from mathematics? Why this subject can be a daunting subject for many kids, filled with abstract concepts and complex formulas? Is there any way to make it interesting for kids? Well, the answer is yes!!!. There is a powerful and engaging way to help children understand and appreciate math: “ learning by doing”. This is the most effective way to absorb and retain information.

This approach encourages kids to actively participate in mathematical activities and problem-solving, making math not only more accessible but also enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of learning math through hands-on experiences and provide some fun and creative activities to get your child excited about math.

Positive effects of learning by doing

Concrete Understanding: Hands-on math activities allow children to manipulate objects and visualize mathematical concepts. When kids can see, touch, and tangibly interact with math, they develop a concrete understanding that goes beyond memorization.

Engagement and Motivation: Active participation in math activities sparks curiosity and enthusiasm. Kids are more likely to stay engaged when they’re actively involved, making the learning process more enjoyable.

Real-Life Application: Many kids ask, “When will I ever use this in real life?” Hands-on math activities provide opportunities to show the practical applications of math. From measuring ingredients in the kitchen to budgeting allowance money, kids can see how math is relevant to their daily lives.

Problem-Solving Skills: Math is not just about numbers; it’s about solving problems. Hands-on activities require kids to think critically, analyze situations, and find solutions, helping them develop valuable problem-solving skills.

Learning by doing activities for Kids

Board Games: Games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Chess teach strategic thinking, counting, and pattern recognition. These games are not only enjoyable but also foster math skills.

Building blocks: Building block sets offer endless opportunities for mathematical exploration. Kids can learn about geometry, symmetry, and spatial reasoning as they build structures and solve design challenges.

Measurement Madness: Provide your child with a ruler, measuring tape, and various objects to measure around the house. They can compare lengths, practise addition and subtraction with measurements, and estimate sizes.

Math with Money: Teach financial literacy by involving kids in activities like budgeting, saving, and even simple investing. Use real money or create play money to simulate financial transactions.

Math in Nature: Take a nature walk and find opportunities to count leaves, flowers, or rocks. Discuss patterns in leaves or symmetry in flowers. These activities connect math to the natural world.

Puzzles and Brain Teasers: Challenge your child with age-appropriate puzzles, Sudoku, or logic games. These activities promote problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Children’s perceptions and interactions with maths can be completely changed by learning by doing. Kids acquire vital life skills and a deeper understanding of maths when they include practical tasks in their daily learning routine. Because maths is present everywhere, children can learn to appreciate its beauty and practical applications in their daily lives by taking the appropriate approach. So, what are you waiting for? Just roll up your sleeves and start exploring math through fun and interactive experiences with your child today!