Types Of Decimal Fractions
Types of decimals fractions:
1) Like decimal fractions: Decimals having the same number of decimal places are called like decimals i.e. decimals having the same number of digits on the right of the decimal point are known as like decimals. Eg: 3.25, 14.23
2) Unlike decimal fractions: Decimals not having the same number of digits on the right of the decimal point are unlike decimals. Eg: 7.5, 18.05, 21.065
3) Equivalent decimal fractions: Fractions that are unlike fractions that are equal in value.
Eg: 0.4, 0.40, 0.400, 0.4000. Each of the above is equal to 0.4 or 4/10.
Comparing decimal fractions:
When comparing decimals we find out the larger and the smaller decimal number in a given set of numbers. Comparing decimal numbers is similar to comparing other numbers. But we need to remember that the digits that are placed after the decimal point also need to be considered.
Lets us compare 0.33 and 0.322
Step 1: Compare the whole number part, which is the one digit. …
Step 2: Compare the tenth place, which is the first place to the right of the decimal point. …
Step 3: Compare the hundredths place. …
Step 3: Hence, we conclude that 0.33 > 0.322