Comparing Fractions
When we compare numbers, we find out greater and smaller numbers. By this time, children have been comparing numbers quite efficiently, but comparing fractions is tricky. When comparing fractions, kids need to focus more on numerators and denominators.
Comparing fractions with the same denominator:
- Step 1: Observe the denominators of the given fractions: 6/8 and 4/8. The denominators are the same.
- Step 2: Now, compare the numerators. We can see that 6>4.
- Step 3: The fraction with the larger numerator is the larger fraction. Therefore, 6/8 > 4/8.
Comparing fractions with the same numerator and different denominator:
- Step 1: Observe the numerators of the given fractions: 3/4 and 3/6. The numerators are the same.
- Step 2: Now, compare the denominators. We can see that 6>4.
- Step 3: The fraction with the larger numerator is the larger fraction. Therefore, 3/6 > 3/4.
Comparing fractions with the different numerators and denominators:
- Step 1: Check the denominators and numerators of the given fractions: 1/2 and 2/6. They are different. So, let us find the LCM for 2 and 6. LCM(2, 6) = 6.
- Step 2: Now, let us convert them in such a way that the denominators become the same. Let us multiply the first fraction with 1/2, that is, 1/2 × 3/3 = 3/6.
- Step 3: Now, let us multiply the second fraction by 1/1 that is, 2/6 × 1/1 = 2/6.
- Step 4: Compare the fractions: 3/6 and 2/6. Since the denominators are the same, we will compare the numerators, and we can see that 3 > 2.
- Step 5: The fraction with the larger numerator is the larger fraction, that is, 3/6 > 2/6. Therefore, 1/2 < 2/6